But it sure is mine.
JK Rowling once said the following:
"He’s always there when you need him, that’s Ron Weasley. Sean was the first of my friends to pass his driving test. And, um, he had this old Ford Anglia, old claptrap Ford Anglia – turquoise and white – which is now quite famouse as the car that the Weasley’s drive. Well I was obviously going to give the Weasley’s Sean’s old car. And that car was freedom to us. And my heart still lifts when I see an old Ford Anglia, which is a bit sad."
My Ford Anglia is a Subaru Brat. My Sean is a really cool guy named Henner. He's been driving the silly thing for longer than I've been alive. And he called me as I was typing this to talk about it. That's how deeply he loves the car. He passed that love on to me.
Bi-Drive Recreational All Terrain Transport.
The love of my life.