Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This is always my answer.

STUDENT: Do you favor the death penalty?
STUDENT: But you think we should kill these people?
JOSH: You don't have the choices in a war that you do in a jury room. But I - I - I wish...wish we didn't have to. I think death is too simple.
STUDENT: What would do instead?
JOSH: I'd put 'em in a small cell, and make them watch home movies of the birthdays and baptisms and weddings of every single person they killed, over and over, every day, for the rest of their lives. [clears his throat] And then they'd get punched in the mouth every night at bedtime. By a different person, every night. There'd be a long list of volunteers, but that's all right. We'll wait...But listen, don't worry about all this right now. We got your covered. Worry about school. Worry about what you're gonna tell your parents when you break curfew. You're gonna meet guys, you're gonna meet girls... [looks at Billy] Not so much you, Fred.
The students chuckle weakly.
JOSH: Learn things. Be good to each other. Read the newspapers, go the movies, go to a party. Read a book. In the meantime, remember pluralism. You want to get these people? I mean, you really want to reach in and kill them where they live? Keep accepting more than one idea. Makes 'em absolutely crazy.